Translation in the dissemination of medical research: From laboratory to global impact.
Translation in the dissemination of medical research: From laboratory to global impact. 1. Introduction Translation in the dissemination of medical research is essential for ensuring that scientific advancements are not confined to specific regions or languages, but are made accessible to healthcare professionals and organizations worldwide, enabling the global application of innovative treatments and discoveries. […]
7 Tips for Translating Medical Terminology Accurately
7 Tips for Translating Medical Terminology Accurately. Introduction. Translating medical terminology is one of the greatest challenges in professional translations. Accurate translation of medical terms is essential in this industry, as failing to do so can lead to complex situations for users and companies. While you don’t need to be a healthcare professional to translate […]
The Role of Cultural Competence in Translation
The Role of Cultural Competence in Translation of Medical Documents. There is no doubt that we live in a world where borders are becoming increasingly blurred. This means that practically every country in the world is experiencing greater cultural diversity. This creates new challenges in all areas but especially in the healthcare sector, where cultural […]
Top 10 most common mistakes in the translation of medical documents
Top 10 most common mistakes in the translation of medical documents. In this article we are going to talk about the top 10 most common mistakes in the translation of medical documents. The translation of medical documents is becoming more and more frequent in the industry as a consequence of globalization and the increasing movement […]
User Experiences in Healthcare Sector. 6 strategies to improve it.

Improving User Experiences in Healthcare Sector Technology can be a great ally in improving the performance of healthcare systems. In recent years there has been a significant increase in the use of technology in the healthcare sector. From research for the development of new drugs, to the analysis of medical data for better diagnosis, there […]